Confessions of a Design Diva: “The Price”
Written by American playwright Arthur Miller, The Price centers around the relationship of two estranged brothers.
Our poster design features a childhood portrait of the two brothers set in a broken frame. The image represents their past while the shattered glass alludes to the current conflict between the characters. Using a stock childhood picture is a very practical and inexpensive way to incorporate a human element into the design. No photoshoot is necessary and no one is going to know whether these kids are your adult actors or not.
The broken glass is dynamic in that it creates a temporal dimension to this design. Something has actually occurred (in this case glass has been broken) prior to the viewer’s involvement. This is an interesting way to create action within a static form.
Because this design carries the “broken” theme into the title treatment, you can use the title treatment by itself in very small spaces like web banners or small newspaper ads - places where your full graphic might look cramped or too busy. Versatility is a tremendous advantage when you’re on a tight budget (and who isn’t?).
And that, my friends, is a behind the scenes look at Drama Queen Graphic’s poster for The Price.